7 Great Quotes by Maya Angelou

If anyone knows me, you would know how much I live off inspiration, quotes, anything that has to do with life lessons. I was sadden by the recent passing one of the greatest authors, poet, civil rights activist, Maya Angelou.

We lost a great student of leadership and the creative process – who understood what it takes to have the courage to lead, who had close affiliations with some of the most well-known world leaders of her lifetime and who could articulate the virtues of courage, steadfastness and truth as only a poet can do. - The Washington Post 

From her poems "I Rise" to "Phenomenal Woman" hers words always moved me to do better and strive for more in my life.  With so many good words from Maya Angelou, its difficult to catalogue everything she quoted, but I wrote down 7 great quotes that motivates me and that I try to live by.