Movie Review: Toy Story 4


You guys, Toy Story 4 arrived in theaters this past weekend, and we couldn't have been more excited! It's been nearly 25 years since Pixar first made us fall in love with Toy Story. Woody, Buzz, and the rest of the gang have so much character, personality, and full of laughter, and it's impossible to resist their charm. Toy Story 4 takes us back to the beginning, Andy's room and ends with a beautiful love story. I don't want to give the whole story away so that I will keep this review spoiler-free. 

In Toy Story 4 the bulk of the charm is provided by a piece of cheap plastic named Forky. He's a homemade toy assembled by Bonnie on her first day in kindergarten out of a plastic fork and some craft supplies. "I'm trash," he says repeatedly hurling himself into the bin, convinced it's where he belongs. Crippled by low self-esteem, this little fella steals practically every scene he's in, delivering plenty laughs as he tries to escape Bonnie's affectionate hugs. Woody takes it upon himself to show Forky why he should embrace being a toy. "Forky is like a newborn," says producer Mark Nielsen. "He doesn't know anything about life—he doesn't even understand why he's alive or what a toy even is. He makes Woody vocalize what it means to be a toy."

Well, it turns out that four movies in, the Toy Story franchise continues to hit us right in the feels. Toy Story 4 is magical and funny, with its beautiful animation and heart-tugging emotions. The plot does surround beloved Woody regarding loyalty, sacrifice, and a toy's real purpose. Tom Hanks once again doesn't disappoint with playing Woody with his 'Everytoy' quality, which makes him so darn lovable and relatable. It's no spoiler to reveal that Woody's old love, porcelain doll Bo Peep also returns for this adventure.

All in all, we love it! We laughed and felt the new toys were a great addition. Toy Story 4 brings this full circle. The struggle of no longer being the favorite toy, figuring out where he fit in Bonnie's life, losing the role of being the leader, finding the love of his life again, and figuring out his purpose. Woody was adamant about taking care of Forky because he felt that was his only job. But throughout this movie, Woody begins to discover himself and what he wants, with the help of Bo Peep. 

Toy Story 4 is all heart. It's funny and emotional; there'll be laughs, and maybe a teardrop as well. I'm giving it 4.5 out of 5 stars. Don't miss it.


Shop some of my fave Toy Story Tees below!