Asian Night Market Festival

This past weekend I got to attend the Dallas Asian Night Festival located in downtown Dallas. Surrounded by so much culture and food, it was a fun night. Of course, they had my Filipino food which I had to get 2 plates of just because it made me feel like home. There was music, art, different kinds of food, boba tea, dragons, singing, and toys galore. Love to see all types of backgrounds coming together to appreciate the asian culture. It got so crowded that I hope if they continue next year, I would love to see this open up to a bigger space and that people come out to support. It was a great night. Here are a few images captured from the event. 

My filipino food. YUMMY!

My filipino food. YUMMY!

Photographed by Melissa King

Photographed by Melissa King

This guys drew me the word "CREATE". He did an amazing job. Enjoy some more pictures in the slideshow below.