DIY Carmen Sandiego Costume

I love dressing in the spirit of Halloween. This year I got to represent one of my favorite childhood shows - Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego. It is such a fun and easy DIY costume for all the last minute costume ideas and all pieces are items you can find in your closet. Happy Halloween! 


Jacket - Agaci  |  Hat - Forever 21  |  Scarf - LaPatricia  |  Black Shirt - Guess  |  Pants - H&M  |  Earrings - Michellerie's Boutique  |  Gloves - Forever 21

Love these world earrings from Etsy - Michellerie's Boutique

Love these world earrings from Etsy - Michellerie's Boutique

H A P P Y  H A L L O W E E N!